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/ Visual Basic Toolbox / Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO / sound / fbifile / fbifile.frm (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1993-01-17  |  9KB  |  296 lines

  1. Fbifile
  2. FBI File
  3. Times New Roman
  4. Form1%
  5. BTN_View
  6. View Profile
  7. MNU_File
  8. &File
  9. MNU_New
  10. &New Profile
  11. MNU_Exit
  12. E&xit
  13.     MNU_About
  14. &About
  15. MNU_New_Click'
  16. Form_Click
  17. MNU_About_Click
  18. about1
  19. Profile,
  20. about2
  21. about3?
  22. about4X
  23. instructions
  24.     Form_Loadi
  25. modalN
  26. command1E
  27. Form_GotFocus^
  28. instruct
  29. MNU_Save_Click0
  30.     DataInput
  31. message17
  32. message2
  33.     NameInputz
  34. StreetInputp
  35.     CityInput
  36. StateInput
  37. Nickname1Input
  38. Nickname2Input
  39.     WorkInput
  40. BossnameInput
  41. WorkerInput@
  42. CoWorkerInput
  43. Friend1Input
  44. Friend2Input
  45. Friend3Input
  46. DadnameInput[
  47. MomnameInput
  48. ColorInputD
  49.     FoodInputx
  50. ActorInput
  51. SingerInput
  52. TVshowInput
  53. President1Input
  54. President2Input9
  55. President3Input*
  56. FruitInput
  57. BodypartInput
  58. Hobby1Input
  59. Hobby2Input
  60. Hobby3Input
  61. username(
  62. street
  63. cityI
  64. stateN
  65.     nickanme1 
  66.     nickname1q
  67.     nickname2
  68. Workt
  69. fbifile
  70. background(
  71. Form_DragOver
  72. Source
  73. MNU_Exit_Click
  74. employmentb
  75. wave1
  76. enabledX    
  77. enable
  78. sizeh
  79. Timer1_TimerA
  80. timer1
  81. VScroll1_ChangeV
  82. sndplaysound
  83. displayarea_Clickq
  84. command1_click
  85. counter
  86. printnicknames
  87. printaliases&
  88. printhangout
  89. printgangmembers
  90. printmafiacontactsL
  91. printpersonalprofile1
  92. printpersonalprofile2
  93. printpersonalprofile3
  94. printpersonalprofile40
  95. printpersonalprofile5
  96. printpersonalprofile6
  97. printclosefbifile
  98. personalprofile1
  99. personalprofile2
  100. personalprofile38
  101. personalprofile4
  102. personalprofile5#
  103. personalprofile6
  104. closefbifileB
  105. printprofile
  106. window~
  107. windowstate
  108. Visible
  109. Command1_KeyDown
  110. KeyCode
  111. Shift
  112.     HideCaret
  113. hWndn
  114.     ShowCaret
  115. GetFocus
  116. MSInput
  117. text1
  118. Textc
  119. Text1_Change
  120. Text1_GotFocusy
  121. WShWnd
  122. Text1_LostFocus
  123. Text1_KeyPress
  124. KeyASCII
  125. Randnum`
  126.     Scollbars
  127. BTN_View
  128. BTN_View_Click
  129. Height
  130. scrollbars
  131. casenum
  132. page1
  133. page2
  134. page3
  135. page4    
  136. page5
  137. page6
  138. page7k
  139. page8
  140. page9
  141. page10
  142. page11
  143. page12
  144. undesirable
  145. backgroundpage
  146.     aliaspage
  147. hangountpage
  148. gangmemberpage
  149. mafiacontactpage
  150. wsdataq
  151. about5
  152. about
  153. profiledata
  154. BackGroundDataw    
  155.     AliasData
  156. HangoutDatai    
  157. GangData
  158.     mafiadata
  159. Profile1Data
  160. Profile2Data(    
  161. Profile3Data8    
  162. Profile4DataH    
  163. Profile5Data
  164. Profile6Data
  165. CloseFileData
  166. printUCase
  167. Caption
  168. nickname
  169. friends
  170. Friend1
  171. Friend2D
  172. Friend3:
  173. Father'
  174. Mother0
  175. Bossname
  176. Coworker
  177. PersProfData^
  178. preferences
  179. food{
  180. fruit
  181. colorU
  182. actor
  183. singerg
  184. tvshow
  185. pres1
  186. pres2
  187. pres3
  188. hobby2
  189. hobby1
  190. hobby3
  191. click
  192. CurrentX
  193. CurrentY
  194. clrBoxes
  195. AliasData
  196. aliases:
  197. Three-Finger 
  198.  the Knife
  199. BackGroundData
  200. fbi official dossier
  201. undesirable file
  202. Subject:
  203. Last seen at:
  204. More...
  205. BTN_View_Click
  206. CloseFileData
  207. FBI File Closed
  208. Close File
  209. Form_Load
  210. GangData
  211. gang members:
  212.  the Dip
  213. Killer 
  214. Brass Knuckles 
  215.  the Fence
  216. Gun Moll 
  217. HangoutData
  218. hangout:
  219. mafiadata
  220. mafia contacts:
  221. capo 
  222. MNU_About_Click
  223. This plays the WAV:d
  224. intro.wav
  225. The flags work as follows:
  226. 0 - wait until sound finishes before returning
  227. 1 - return immediately - sound can be stopped with
  228.  i% =sndplaysound(0&, 0)
  229. 2 - play no default if it can't find the WAV
  230. 4 - play sound over and over, must be combined with 1 by calling the flag
  231.  i% =sndplaysound(snd_async or snd_loop, 0)d
  232.  it can also be stopped with (0%,0)l
  233. 5 - returns false immediately if sound is already playing.
  234.             FBI Profile
  235.     Written by Mike Davis
  236.           FREEWARE
  237.     Do with as you will
  238. America Online: MikeD48
  239. FreeWare Notice
  240. MNU_Exit_Click
  241. MNU_New_Click
  242. Clear the screen
  243. display the background form and;
  244. give it the focusi
  245. PersProfData
  246. Personal Profile on:
  247. printprofile
  248. Profile1Data
  249.  is considered to be 
  250. extremely dangerous.
  251. Approach with Caution...
  252.  has been known to hide
  253. lethal weapons in 
  254. Profile2Data
  255.  had been the muscle 
  256. behind 
  257. 's bookie and 
  258. loan sharking operation in 
  259. during the late 70's.
  260. Profile3Data
  261. As a dilligent enforcement agent
  262. in organized crime,
  263.  was known to
  264. cut off a client's 
  265. for non-payment of a loan.
  266.  was also suspected of
  267. force feeding 
  268. someone because he was wearing 
  269.  pants.
  270. Profile4Data
  271. Currently, 
  272.  is a
  273. member of 
  274. 's crime 
  275. family in east 
  276.  is suspected of 
  277. attempted hits and mayhem on
  278.  and 
  279.  is also a suspect in
  280. threatening the cast of 
  281. with bodily harm.
  282. Profile5Data
  283.  managed to escape
  284. prosecution all these years
  285. because of the brilliant law firm of
  286.  and 
  287. retained by don 
  288. national crime family.
  289. Profile6Data
  290. indictments:
  291. 1 count of 
  292.  without a permit
  293. 2 counts of felonious 
  294. 3 counts of 3rd degree 
  295. convictions: